Sunday, April 28, 2013

Elijah 365- part 32

Things have been crazy around here.  Between two kids and movers we are wiped.  Thank goodness this end is almost over.  We haven't even had time to enjoy okinawa!
Eli is desperately trying to crawl, but keeps getting stuck.  He gets on his toes and looks like he's doing down dog most of the time.  Not much else new with him, except that mommy and daddy are acting weird and packing things up.
Day 226- April 22.  Hugs from big brother!
Day 227- April 23.  Moving Day.  Eli didn't get packed up!

Day 228- April 24.  Ugly Government issued couch!  But happy boys!

Day 229- April 25.  Testing out the neighbor's car!

Day 230- April 26.  Playing with brother

Day 231-  April 27.  Playing with this transformer!

Day 232- April 28.  So much to play with, so little time!

Land of the setting sun

Without a doubt, one of the things I'm going to miss most about my home here in Okinawa is the beautiful sunsets.  So last night and from here until we leave- I will be photographing the beauty that is our front yard.  Hope you enjoy these beautiful and stunning views as much as I have for the past 3.5 years!
Tonight's sunset was one of those that kept getting more and more beautiful.  These were all taken with my Canon and nothing was retouched!

A week from tonight we will be on one of those planes!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Moving Day

What a couple days!  The past two days we have spent saying sayonara to our things.  We have spent days separating things into what is going express (takes a month), what is going household (takes 2 months), and what is coming in our suitcases/carry on bags.  It's been so tiring, and we are very glad it's over.  We feel like we can breathe now and enjoy our last week here.  

Moving Day 1 was our express.  We are very glad we did this shipment first, because there were many things that could not be shipped express that we were still able to ship household.  One example was my nursing chair.  I was very upset that I couldn't ship it express, as it's something comfortable that I can sit in when feeding Eli in the middle of the night.  It's one thing I use every day.  Other then that problem, everything was easy.  I cannot believe how fast it all went.  It literally took 45 minutes for them to pack it all up.  They took amazing care of everything and I was really impressed!  

Day 2 was our big move.  Basically every bit of our things was packed up today.  Our bed, sofa, pots and pans, dishes, everything is gone.  Luckily, the military provides us with a loaner bed, table, and sofa for the next week before we fly out.  Unfortunately we don't get that until tomorrow.  So I am currently laying in an empty living room on the floor with the dog.  We will be sleeping on a blow up mattress tonight.  We are without our pots and pans so are going to be relying on our wonderful neighbors to help out.  And we'll be using plastic plates and utensils for a week or so.  No big deal.  

Again, I was impressed with these movers.  It was the same crew as yesterday, and they were just as efficient.  They took great care of everything and were very friendly.  We had labeled a few areas NO and they were nice enough to double check everything with us.  Unfortunately, there were quite a bit of things they wouldn't ship.  Spices were one thing that many people were able to ship but this company said no to.  I think it all depends on the mover.  Oh well.  We will be shipping a few boxes to our new place to have right away.  

They first packed up everything (big things first) then brought everything outside.  They quickly realized they didn't have enough room on the truck.  So they filled one truck up and had to wait for another to come for more!  I promise we don't actually have that much stuff, they just underestimated.  They were again, so very careful when packing up the truck.  They were so careful putting everything into the crates and did it in such a way that I'm not too concerned about our things.  I hope that our movers in Virginia are just as careful, but I am doubtful.  I'm really going to miss the Japanese.  

Overall everything went well.  Thanks to everyone who helped out.  Wendy for watching the boys while we got everything ready, Ann Marie for watching Zach during the first day, Christina for watching the boys when we had the big move going on, and Joe for entertaining Zach with toy cars during the pack out.  

Now that that's over we can get the house ready to leave and enjoy our last week here!
We had to take everything off the walls and put it all on the ground before they came

The truck before being loaded

Working hard...

They started putting it all in the front yard

Part of the living room

More of the living room

Boarding up some of it

Bye bye!

Saying bye bye!

Afterwards we were exhausted and didn't even want to cook.  So we went for thai.

Zach loves Asian food

Mommy's soup

This was in front of the restaurant.  

Silly boy

I'm glad they didn't pack this boy up.  I like him too much.  As for the dog... well....  (don't know why he's yawning here.  He slept all day.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Elijah 365- part 31

What a week!  Our movers come soon and we have been hustling and getting the house ready for them to come.  Eli of course, chose this week to get his first tooth.  He is gnawing on everything and is in a lot of pain.  He is also learning to crawl.  I can't seem to sit him up for long before he gets stuck in an attempt to crawl.  I never thought i'd say this, but I'm almost hoping he'll crawl soon, so he stops getting stuck and falling over.  I can't wait to get our new place- which has softer carpets!  Anyway, here are the photos of the week!

Day 219- April 15.  On a run with Mommy to the beach!

Day 220- April 16- silly matching boys!

Day 221- April 17.  Pulled out some of Zach's old toys.  Forgot about this one.  It was one of Zach's favorites!  

Day 222- April 18.  Playing with big brother again!

Day 223- April 19.  He loves his big doggy.  Boy's best friend.  

Day 224- April 20.  Ran for Autism today.  Eli took a nap while Daddy pushed him.  What a bum

Day 225- April 21.  Our house is such a battlefield of stuff for the move that it's easier to put Eli in this "cage"

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 2013 photos

My computer goes bye bye for 4+ weeks tomorrow.  So I'm in a bit of a rush to get these photos posted while I still can!  I will miss you imac!  See you in America!  

Here are some photos from our month so far!

Zach climbed into his old jumperoo

Goofy boys!!

I was taking photos of Eli and Zach kept saying "Cheese!  Mama!  Cheese!" because he wanted me to take some of him too!

Grilling in the dog's cage... no biggie.

The poor dog puts up with so much.  Zach was piling every blanket and pillow onto him

He as begging me to take his photo

I don't have words

Playing on the playground

Swinging brothers

Playing with Daddy.  Yes the swing is pink.  It's not ours

He was being silly

Magic Zach

Reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to Mommy

Eating the dog's tail

Cuddling Neko

Zach took this one

Three boys in a dog cage.

Zach stole my camera.  I've been finding lots like this

Little feet.  Again... Zach's photo

After eating some southern BBQ

It was good

Had to go to the japanese kid's store.  Got lots of goodies.  The shirt has a mouth that opens.  We also got chopsticks and  ampaman stuff galore.  He even got bandaids. 

This new potty sings in Japanese and plays music.  I had to get it.

Eli helping me pack

There's much more to this then meets the eye.  Long story.  But yeah... me in my green on green about to "workout"  (no not really)

The pot holes in Japan all have different designs on them.  This is the one from the town we live in

Beautiful flowers on my run.  My favorite flower!

Zach took this.  It would've been a great one if brother was looking!

Took out one of the portable cribs.  Zach knows how to climb in and out of it.

After "running" a race with Mommy and Daddy.  Wearing his medal at the finish line saying "WOO HOO!"

Zach and Daddy at the finish line

Love this one of my littlest man and I

Ran this Autism run with the family.  Can't wait to do more in Virginia